Sunday, October 2, 2011

How long after ... - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Community

Hi Paul,

As Elke's mom said, our DD was also on a protocol for ALL.? But maybe these things to look out for can still be helpful.? In reading the board and talking to another cancer mom, some of the issues that kept kids in the hospital during induction were treatment induced diabetes (typically from steroids), tumor lysis syndrome/related kidney issues (from having the first wave of chemo knock out a lot of cancer cells, and having the kidney's need to deal with a sudden batch of "trash,"? and platelet/clotting issues (probably can't send kids home if those are too low, either from starting low from leukemia, or crashing with chemo.? I think a few other kids have had problems with a port.


At this point, I think your docs will know if anything funny is happening with kidneys or with the port.? Our DD had a pretty soft landing for the early part of induction, and went home after 5 or 6 days.? The rest of her induction was all out-patient.? For the other boy I know, he was in the month for induction, because he had both diabetes, and clotting in his port.


I found the first week in the hospital to be really confusing-I didn't know anything about their schedule, whom to ask what, etc.? The first four or five days there was a constant parade of medical staff as DD's docs, as well as the surgical, pediatric, and heme/onc groups all included her in their morning rounds.? Really too much.? Later visits, it quieted down a lot.


I wish someone had taken the time to explain their hospital system (who were these people?), and what they were looking for as markers for "stay here," "on your way soon," and "going home" stages.? What I did figure out later, was that the later they came in the day, the less urgent the situation.? That meant, that when it finally was time to send your child home, all the other sicker kids get visited first, and orders & paperwork done first.? We came to see that as a good thing.? A nurse, or social worker, or child life specialist should be able to explain the system.? Of course the docs will too, but it's hard to know when they will pop in next.


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