by ?|? on February 12th, 2013 ?|?Photo Credit: zalouk webdesign via Flickr
Sometimes I get so frustrated with our teenager that I?literally?want to give up. I want to your life and if you don?t care about your grades, then I don?t either. It?s a lot of work trying to stay on top of what he is doing at school, what assignments he?s working on and what tests and projects are due. I am constantly inquiring about his activities everyday and sometimes I feel like I am getting the run-around. Only one month into school and I am already taking away some?privileges.? Don?t get me wrong..for the most part he is a good kid, he is in a very competitive engineering program and in honors classes. He is a very intelligent kid.. But I don?t think he is doing his best right now. I know what he is capable of ?and therefore I set higher standards for him than he has for himself.
When I was at the hairdresser last week, a couple ladies and I were giving a status update on our kids. There was an older woman there listening as we talked. She heard me give a status on my teenager and she heard me say sometimes I just want to give up. My hairdresser also has a teenager and she was like girl I know what you mean.
The older lady can?t give up. As long as they are under aged and in school, it?s our job to stay on them and to encourage them to excel?no matter how hard it gets. She gave us an example about her son. She said she had to stay on him constantly while he was in high school. When he went to college, he goofed off his first semester. He was partying and not going to class. She said she stopped paying for college after his freshman year. He had to get a job and pay for it on his own. She said it was hard for him?but something finally clicked? And all of her hard work and?persistence?paid off because he finished college on his own and he has a great career today.
Those were encouraging words and I am glad she shared them. I know deep down I would never quit on my child. Most of time when I get frustrated like that, I turn to my mom?she always has encouraging words or great advice on what I should do.
BMWK Family have you ever felt like this? What did you do? Did you push through?
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