???????? LOCAL COMIC BOOK ARTIST? NEEDS YOUR HELP! Working on Kickstarter to? Fund His First Independent Project! 1) If you can, please make a donation (he?s got some reslly great premiums!)? and 2) Please help spread the word? about this project in any way you can! Here?s a brief description of his project? in his own words: ?Pirate Queen is the? story of Ava Bloodstone, captain of the Star Raider and her crew of space? pirates. A motley crew of scoundrels and cutthroats headed up by her second in? command, Zora Astra. Our story starts out with Ava trying to fleece another crew? of alien pirates of their recently stolen treasure but when the aliens discover? Ava?s plans she quickly finds herself on the ships plank hovering precariously? above the alien desert floor thousands of feet below. I?m really looking forward? to getting to work on this project. It will be my first creator owned book and I? need all the help I can get. I?ve worked as an artist in comics for the last 17? years on projects as big as the Justice League for DC to as fun as drawing the? Greatest American Hero comic. A show that I was a huge fan of as a kid. Other? projects I?ve worked on include GI Joe, Voltron, Lady Death, Kiss, Xena Warrior? Princess, Youngblood, and many others. But this one I may be even more excited? about. All money raised for the project will go directly into production of the? series. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!? CHECK IT OUT AT: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1896786551/pirate-queen-of-the-star-raider?ref=live |
NEW AT THE SOURCE THIS WEEK! Archer & Armstrong #1 ? |
NEW AT THE SOURCE S-S-S-Snake Oil the Card Game In the Old West, the wily snake oil salesman had a? special talent, getting the most skeptical customers to buy the most dubious? products. Now it?s your turn! Invent your own zany two-word products ? Rumor? Mirror! Burp Balloon! ? and sell them to all types of wacky customers. If the? round?s customer buys your product, you win! To set up, each player takes six? purple word cards. The customer for the round draws a red customer card and? announces it. Inventors quickly combine two purple word cards from their hand to? form a crazy new product to sell to that customer. When ready, they put their? two word cards face down on the table. In clockwise order, each inventor quickly? pitches his or her product directly to the customer. The customer can end any? pitch that goes longer than 30 seconds. The customer decides which product to? buy and gives the inventor of that product the round?s customer card as the? prize. Inventors discard all used word cards and take two new word cards each.? The player to the left of the customer becomes the next round?s customer. Play? repeats until each player has been the customer once. Whoever collects the most? customer cards wins. Available right now at the? Source along with thousands of other great games! |
or Call 763.755.8686 |
CTHULHU 500 CARD GAME By Master Game Designer Jeff Tidball! |
MINIATURE PAINTING? LESSONS AT THE SOURCE Free Series of Lessons! ? FREE! -? All Skill Levels Welcome!? Local uber award winning miniature? painter/art instructor/teacher Michael Bedard will be conducting an informal? series of lessons The Details * Free paint? instructionals at the Source. * Third Sunday? of Every Month Starting at 1:30 PM * Free! All? Skill Levels Welcome! * Come and Go As you Please! For More Info: ? Michael Bedard at mdbedard@usfamily.net? or call 651.459.8374 |
NOW AVAILABLE AT THE SOURCE By Atlas Games Uncover a murder most foul by revealing six story? elements that together describe the deadly deed and spell the word MURDER. But? take care that your opponents can?t do the same ? take their letters, counter? their actions, or call on a waiting Crow to influence the murder before they do!? At any moment a well-played card can shift the balance and seal someone?s fate. This great game along with thousands of other is available at the Source right? now! |
U.S.S. NOKOMIS STAR TREK FAN CLUB Awesome Spaghetti Social! From our good friends at the U.S.S. Nokomis Star? Trek Fan Club ?We?re having our annu ? For More? Info or to Pre- Order Tickets (No Tickets will be available at the door): http://www.ussnokomis.org/m5/index.php |
NEW AT THE SOURCE THIS WEEK! Army VS Aliens Dice Game Can flying saucers and death rays beat out tanks,? nukes and troopers? Find out with Army vs. Aliens, a fun take on alien invasion? games. You get to choose whether you want to fight off alien forces as the army? or if yo |
? FAMILY BOARD NIGHT AT THE SOURCE 2nd Saturday of Each Month ? FREE!? Hosted by our very own Travis, Holly & Patrick, the Source is pleased to announce that we have regulary scheduled Family Board Next Date: Saturday August 11 ? 2012 ? 6PM to Midnight ? |
? CRYPTICON MINNEAPOLIS The Upper Midwest?s Nightmare Before Halloween The Mad Monster Party returns for a 7th show! We? will still be at the Double Tree by Hilton in Bloomington, but the new dates are? |
NEW AT THE SOURCE! Batgirl #12 |
THE POKEMON LEAGUE AT THE SOURCE Every Saturday From 10AM to 1PM Pokemon Facebook Page: |
PATHFINDER GOING STRONG AT THE SOURCE! ???????????????????????????????????? Sundays ? 12PM Pathfinder is going strong at the Source! Led |
?? DRAWERBOXES ? 1ST CLASS COMIC BOOK STORAGE! ?????????? Available in Long, Short & Mag/CGC Versions Versions at the Source! |
MILITARY MINIATURE MONDAY NIGHTS ? 6PM! Hosted By Jim, Todd and our very own Bob! You?re invited to participate to growing, regularly scheduled event, here at the Source Comics & Games. Every Monday night |
GAMES WORKSHOP EVENT DAYS AT THE SOURCE All Players & Skill Levels Are Welcome!? Saturday ? August 11th ? 2012 ? 10AM Start Apocalypse Games will played on the large sand table and will take all participants. Bring any size army 500 points-2500 points. The Bedab War is a civil war between several Space Marine chapters in the 41st millennium. Perhaps you?s seen Huron Blackheart in the Chaos Space Marines Codex, it is his story we will be fighting. Scenario specific information will be e-mailed out! Open tables for any 40K/Fantasy players to battle one on one! |
CLASSIC MOVIE OF THE WEEK! Electric Dreams ? 1984 Lonely architect Miles (Von? Dohlen) purchases a fancy new ?Pine cone? personal computer and clumsily spills? champagne on it which, of course, imbues the computer with h . and the voice of Bud Court. The? computer (now called Edgar) proceeds to fall in love with Miles? upstairs? neighbour, beautiful cellist Madeline (Madsen) with whom it engages in anonymous? musical duets thanks to the talents of iconic 80?s film composer Giorgio Moroder.? Madeline of course assumes the music comes from the obviously shy Miles and a? romance ensues. A romance which stokes the fires of jealousy on the part of? Edgar. By way of revenge, Edgar cancels Miles? credit cards and wreaks various? other havoc on his on-line accessible identity. Meanwhile Madeline cannot? understand why Miles won?t play music with her when he obviously has such? talent. None the less, human love prevails and Edgar nobly commits suicide when? he realises that he will never, can never, win the heart of his human love.The? film contains several neo-classical musical numbers, various examples of? state-of-the-art 80?s computer graphics and 80?s sexology icon Dr. Ruth in a cameo |
????????????????????? TIM?S? BACK ISSUE CORNER NEWS & NOTES! News & Notes Regarding Back Issue Activity at the Source!?? |
????????????????????? MAGIC THE GATHERING? AT THE SOURCE! Tuesday, Friday & Special Event Schedule! Tuesday Night Magic at the Source! Lots of great tournaments are coming up this Fall at the Source. We are now running Friday Night Magic every Friday night so you don?t have to travel far anymore for chance at those exclusive foil prizes. TUESDAY NIGHT MAGIC AT THE SOURCE Tuesday, ? August 7th ? Standard ? 5:30PM ? $5.00Tuesday ? August 14th ? Booster Draft ? 5:30PM ? $15.00 Tuesday, ? August 21st ? Standard ? 5:30PM ? $5.00Tuesday ? August 28th ? Booster Draft ? 5:30PM ? $15.00 FNM @ Source ? Sign up begins at 5PM ? Space Limited! ? Friday ? August 10th ? Booster Draft ? 6PM Start ? $15.00 Friday ? August 17th ? Standard ? 6PM Start ? $5.00 Friday ? August 24th ? Booster Draft ? 6PM Start ? $15.00 Friday ? August 31st ? Standard ? 6PM Start ? $5.00 ? MAGIC CELEBRATION Duel of the Planeswalker 2012 September 8th ? 2012 ? 11AM Start - Free Mini Masters Tournament (While Supplies Last) - Booster Drafts - 12PM to 6PM Sit & Go 8 Player Drafts Sign Up Now! Everyone is Welcome! ? |
WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT AND INPUT! As your local comic book and game retailer of choice, we hope you know how much we appreciate your support. We?re proud to be part of your community and welcome you to ours! We?re always happy to receive your suggestions, comments, constructive criticism or compliments! Please feel free to contact us at anytime! SOURCE COMICS & GAMES 2057 Snelling Ave North 651.645.0386 |
Source: http://www.sourcecomicsandgames.com/?p=2996
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