Sunday, February 19, 2012

[OOC] Monster Guide

Im throwing together a monster guide. It will include some of the monsters that are found in Zorgoth. Think of this as the noobie clan hand book :P

One star monsters

In times now ancient, mages worked magicks upon captured cockatrices to effect the eldritch creation of these twisted beings. They are possessed of a singularly wicked intellect, which they use to its full extent for the infliction of pain upon their enemies. Their wings shine as the rainbow, each bearing a blazing red eye marking that shifts from side to side as they move, these being used to discourage foes larger than they, and for purposes of attracting a mate during the mating season.



They are very aggressive and will attack travelers on sight. They have sharp fangs and claws they use in battle. They are not very strong, thusly they hunt in packs. If you see one there are always more lurking near by so be ready to fight.


Being a creature known for its lusterless yellow body and full, rounded wings. It is given to waving its long tail like a Rozarrian dancer might wave her sixth veil, this to maintain balance as it flies. The name of the imp derives from an ancient word "impet," meaning the "child broken from the devil," and befitting their name, they delight in mischief and small acts of evil.

Two star monsters



Being an odd creature with webbing, like that of an amphibian, on its feet to aid swimming, a long, slender body, and even longer streaming whiskers. Prefers to eat small animals and the like, but known to venture into the shallows to catch fish when food is scarce. This consumption of aquatic prey appears to be a taste acquired after the age of ice, when most land-based fauna was extinguished, and it was then that the coeurl developed its distinctive webbing.



Being a variety of serpent able to maintain its body temperature regardless of its environs, preferring to live in colder regions. It has two distinctive scale-patterns on its breast which are said to be the result of interbreeding between two strains of serpent. As its body is covered with scales of surpassing smoothness, it is able to move quickly through areas of deep snow.



Of the legions of ghosts that cling to this world, the greatest are called liches. When a man dies with hatred enduring, he is rent from his station in life, and given new station in death according to the death of his passion...a testament indeed to the depths of the evil manifest in these kings among the dead.

Lesser Dragon


Not anywhere as strong as the kin the famed great dragons. They do not breath fire, nor do they fly. They are slow and bulky, do not expect to bring one down in one hit as they have very strong endurance.

Three star monsters



Being a giant lord of darkness, fashioned by the gods during the creation of heaven and earth. Its muscles are hard as steel, and its bones are made of bronze. Originally appearing as a great ox, the souls of the many warriors it killed in battle have altered its form forever. This diet of death has added to it skill in combat withal, as it draws strength and knowledge from the warrior-souls imprisoned within its veins.



Although not actually called Minotaur, these giants come in two varieties (tomohawks and maces) and often appear together. They are Wutai warriors and their names come from various Hindu deities.



Being an amorph, coated in slime, its eyes and mouth having a most evil aspect. They know no distinction of sex, instead absorbing prey until enough bulk has been gleaned, whereupon they divide their mass, creating offspring in this manner.

Four star monsters



A Tyrant among Behemoths, possessed of evil, red Eyes. Such who face it are consumed with fear upon meeting its Glare, their bodies becoming as Stone with their Terror.

Great Dragon


They are much stronger then lesser dragons. They have the ability to fly and breath the elements, fie, ice, lightning. Use ex stream caution when faced with this fearsome foe or it my be your last battle.



Ancient tomes describe it as an anima of the winds, possessed of a violent temperament and destructive power enough to lead the entire world to ruin or so is said. They may not be able to bring the world to an end but they are a force to feared.


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