Hi Everyone,
I received this email today and I wanted to share it with you:
When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
?She unexpectedly came in the form of Catherine in the summer of ?09. I was yet in middle of being involved with emotionally unavailable people, again and again, feeling completely fed up with the same old tired scenario.
I had been immersing myself in the world of self-improvement and life coaching, as well as the Law of Attraction. I had previously never heard of love coaching (let alone a soulmate mastermind group!), so when I saw a random banner to Cat?s site, I was immediately intrigued.
I didn?t really quite understand the concept of soulmates. My life pretty much dictated that I?d most likely die a spinster?or so I believed at the time. If I could write a guidebook called How To Be Romantically Hopeless In 90 Days Flat (And Stay That Way FOR LIFE!) For Dummies, it would be an instant bestseller!
Backed by my extensive experience in unrequited crushes, abandonment, rejection, non-mutual attraction (and oh, not to mention people who only wanted that particular one thing from me and nothing else!), I became a seasoned pro at love sabotage.
It all gradually changed as soon as I began working with Cat. I attracted and aligned with more people and resources that directed me closer to the prize?my true love. Frankly, it was a quite hellaciously bumpy road, but even when I felt like I was at the end of my rope, I kept on affirming that the person had already been born, alive, breathing, and walking the earth, looking for me?wherever he was, whoever he was.
It still looked like nothing was happening at all, at least in the physical realm. Just when I was dealt yet another huge blow, the universe gave me a pretty nice and swift smack on the cheek to get me to pay attention. I then realized that the person I had been looking for DID indeed exist! He had been right under my nose (albeit halfway across the country) the whole time!
It turned out to be a good friend I had known for 2 1/2 years. He had been searching long and hard for someone like me all along! I somehow failed (or refused?) to recognize him as ?the one? because he didn?t look the part, at least in form, but he is 150% of the essence of what I?ve always desired in a relationship!
I went from being nearly dateless to having a soulmate, life companion, and best friend who desires all of me?body, mind, and spirit! Quite a quantum leap, eh? (For the record, we both intend to get married one day. At the moment, we are working on allowing the right resources and circumstances to manifest.)
I feel so inspired to share the love now that I actually fancy myself following in your career footsteps someday, sooner or later. Many more thanks and blessings to you for being part of the journey, Cat. It?s been quite a ride, to say the least!
? Love, Nancee (Snow White)
I love to get emails like this.? If you want to be transformed from the inside out and attract true love for yourself, click right here for a chat to see if Love Coaching is for you:? https://my.timedriver.com/LNZXG
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